Glenn L. Hill - Christianity's Great Dilemma

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Foreword by Don K. Preston

Christianity has a major problem, a problem that many Christians struggle with silently. Believers of all kinds, from professors to those filling the pews, have historically sought answers, with little success. It is a problem that the enemies of Christ are using increasingly against His church. We must confront this problem. We must answer it.

What is this problem? It is the indisputable fact that Jesus, followed by his apostles, predicted for the first century generation, his "Second Coming" in judgment at the end of the age.  C. S. Lewis called Jesus' predictions the most embarrassing words in the Bible!

Glenn Hill is a believer who has seen the problem, and like many others has sought to resolve the difficulty. He has struggled with the question of failure or fulfillment. He has spent countless hours in his search to find the answer to this perplexing, challenging, and critical issue.

With an ever increasing number of Bible students, Glenn has found the answer to the problem. And with the tender heart of a teacher he has produced an easy to read, easy to understand book to help other believers find the solution to Christianity's Great Dilemma.

In this book, Glenn carefully examines what Jesus, Paul, Peter, John-- indeed, all of the NT writers--had to say about the time of the end and Christ's coming. His method of presentation highlights the problem very well, confronting the reader with the reality of what the Bible writers did in fact predict. This method of presentation is very effective, but needless to say, it is challenging for anyone who has not seriously confronted the issue, or anyone who has sought to sweep it under the rug.

If you are one of the countless Bible students who have seen the issue, but had no answers, this book will be a tremendous aid to you. If you have been unaware of what Jesus and his apostles actually predicted, this book will be a true eye-opener!

In Christianity's Great Dilemma, you will not be offended by harsh verbiage. You will not be overwhelmed by technical terms. You will be touched by the heart of a teacher, with a true desire to help the reader share in his own personal struggles that have resulted in his own discovery of truth.

I highly recommend Glenn Hill's book to anyone that is willing to think, willing to re-think, willing to confront Christianity's Great Dilemma. You will be thrilled at the answers offered in this book.

Don K. Preston
Minister, Author, and President of Preterist Research Institute

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